Works by Uliana Nesheva at Mystetskyi Prostir Gallery

On December 1, 2011, “Mystetskyi Prostir 365 Gallery” will open “No Concept”, a show of works by Uliana Nesheva.

In Contemporary art, which is so closely relying on text and ideas, the lack of concept is perceived as concept. That is why the title of Uliana Nesheva’s project, NoConcept, may seem as just another non-conformist game, “rebellious art”. But at this show, unlike with most contemporary art, you won’t find anything that speaks of protest, or urges one to do something.

Most of the works, presented at the show, are portraits. That is – representations of people’s faces, something that in art-history is usually (and sometimes mistakenly) named “portrait”. But these are not portraits of real people and not even collective images. Done in photorealist way but still not completely following the conventions of the technique, her characters do not lack realness. These ‘molds’ of reality seem very much like hand of prehistorical men in caves – they exist no matter who and why there were made.